
Covers both private and commercial vehicles on a third party policy or comprehensive basis.
Covers the insured's property against loss or damage caused by fire and allied perils.
Projects & Engineering
Comprehensively cover various types of risks exposed to a civil contract.
Covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, and any transport or property.
Covers the loss of your money whilst in transit and whilst in the premise.
Cover any emergency medical-related expenses, trip cancellation or lost luggage.
Cash, bank notes, brand drafts, currency notes, cheques, current postage stamps, postal orders, mone
Protects you against claims for personal injury or damage to a third party.
COVID Crusher
A Covid Crusher is a single-use cover designed to protect you against COVID-19 related financial impact.
Home Alone
Gives protection to contents against fire and burglary while you are away and your house is locked.
Domestic Trip
Gives protection to fare paying commuters within city, to anywhere in East Africa.
Trade All Risk
It's to provide an ease of handling with peace of mind cover to small traders, It's a Shop keeper

frequently asked questions

Why are Property Insurance plans important?

Given that both your home or your business is an integral part of your financial and social security, a Property Insurance plan is important to protect both or either from potential losses and damages that could arise out of unforeseen circumstances like floods, storms, explosions, fires or even a burglary.

Key Benefits of a Property Insurance
  • Complete Coverage: A property insurance help protect your property (i.e. your building or store) but, also the contents within it, ensuring your pocket is steered away from all possible losses. Additionally, many insurance providers also provide for add-ons to increase your coverage as per your needs.
  • Reduces Business Risks: A property insurance also comes with customized policies to protect your shop and its contents, thus reducing the risk of business losses in the occurrence of events such as a fire, earthquake, flood, burglary, etc
  • Peace of Mind: Whether it’s your store or your home, both hold a large amount of financial significance. A property insurance prevents you from facing significant losses in occurrence of unforeseen circumstances and thus ensures you don’t have too much to worry about, cause your insurance provider will have your back!
Why take a Property Insurance online?

Buying a good Property Insurance policy is a crucial decision. After all, it’s the decision that will help cover for your most prized possession. Buying a Property Insurance does not only make the process of buying a policy simpler but, also gives you the time and space to evaluate your options better and make an informed decision.

What are the factors that affect a Property Insurance Premium?
A Property Insurance premium is primarily affected by the following factors:
  • Type of Property: The kind of property you’re insuring will have a direct impact on your property insurance premium. For example; a factory would have a higher premium than that of a General Store due to the difference in the nature of the property to be insured.
  • Age of Property: Like any other insurance policy, age is a prime factor in determining premium prices. The newer the property is, the lower would be its premium and vice versa.
  • Area of Property: The area of the property to be insured has the highest and direct impact on its property insurance premium. This is because a bigger property will have a higher sum insured and hence a higher property insurance premium respectively.
  • Security Measures: Many homes and businesses today opt for various security measures to protect their homes and shops from risks such as burglaries and fires. Therefore, if your home or shop includes this, your risk and therefore property insurance premium will be lower.
  • Additional Coverages: While a Property Insurance mainly covers for the building and its contents, there are other priced possessions such as glass plates of a shop or jewelry kept at home. To cover for the same, you can opt for add-ons that will consequently give you better coverage and, increase your property insurance premium.

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