
Covers both private and commercial vehicles on a third party policy or comprehensive basis.
Covers the insured's property against loss or damage caused by fire and allied perils.
Projects & Engineering
Comprehensively cover various types of risks exposed to a civil contract.
Covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, and any transport or property.
Covers the loss of your money whilst in transit and whilst in the premise.
Cover any emergency medical-related expenses, trip cancellation or lost luggage.
Cash, bank notes, brand drafts, currency notes, cheques, current postage stamps, postal orders, mone
Protects you against claims for personal injury or damage to a third party.
Home Alone
Gives protection to contents against fire and burglary while you are away and your house is locked.
Domestic Trip
Gives protection to fare paying commuters within city, to anywhere in East Africa.
Trade All Risk
It's to provide an ease of handling with peace of mind cover to small traders, It's a Shop keeper

frequently asked questions

What is a Third Pirty?

Insurance has parties to it. The first party is the owner of the vehicle. The second party, the Insurance Company and the third party is any other person who may be affected by the contract.

What are the risks covered by Third Party policy?

A Third-party policy covers the following risks: Death or injury to a third party.

What are the risks covered by the Comprehensive policy?

Comprehensive insurance policy covers your vehicle against following risks:
• Natural calamities
• Man-made calamities
• Personal accident
• Third party legal liability
• Any permanent injury /death of a person
• Any damage caused to property

Can I Renew my policy from Current Third Party to Comprehensive?

Yes, you can but your vehicle needs to be inspected before it can be renewed to a comprehensive policy.

What is the procedure for Transfer of Insurance?

For Transfer of Insurance from one owner to another, you need to submit the below-mentioned documents.
• Old policy document
• Previous insurance policy
• New application form

What if my current policy is already expired?

You can still renew your policy after your vehicle inspection is complete. Insurance companies may apply additional loading on premium if the policy had expired 45-days earlier.

What happens to my car insurance when I sell my car?

The buyer can get the policy transferred in his name by applying to the insurance company in which case an endorsement is made to the policy.
You can cancel your policy and the buyer can buy a new policy. You will get a refund for the unexpired/unused period provided there is no claim on the policy.

If I am buying a new car, how do I transfer my existing policy over to the new vehicle?

If you are buying a new car and want to transfer your existing policy over, you would need to contact us at our customer services department and amend your current policy. There may be a variation in price and a change in underwriting criteria for the new car.
A sale letter of your old car and Third Party insurance cover for the old car will be required.

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