Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Travel form

E.g., 02/19/2025
Departure of travel
E.g., 02/19/2025

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.

Get quote general form

A free-format phone number.
No much
No much
No much

Motor Insurance form

No much
No much
Covers both private and commercial vehicles on a third party policy or comprehensive basis.
Covers the insured's property against loss or damage caused by fire and allied perils.
Projects & Engineering
Comprehensively cover various types of risks exposed to a civil contract.
Covers the loss or damage of ships, cargo, and any transport or property.
Covers the loss of your money whilst in transit and whilst in the premise.
Cover any emergency medical-related expenses, trip cancellation or lost luggage.
Cash, bank notes, brand drafts, currency notes, cheques, current postage stamps, postal orders, mone
Protects you against claims for personal injury or damage to a third party.
Home Alone
Gives protection to contents against fire and burglary while you are away and your house is locked.
Domestic Trip
Gives protection to fare paying commuters within city, to anywhere in East Africa.
Trade All Risk
It's to provide an ease of handling with peace of mind cover to small traders, It's a Shop keeper
Alliance africa general insurance limited
Covering Risks. Improving Lives